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I’ve never understood why there seems to be so much hate and anger directed against Donald Trump. Political candidates being demonized by their rivals is not rare, but after an election or a term in office, the intensity of hostility usually wanes and assaults center more on the candidates’ policies than their personalities. When I was a Republican presidential elector in 2016, there were some conflicts. I was an Alabama elector for the fourth time, therefore it was unusual for me to receive so many cards and letters pleading with me to switch my vote a few weeks prior to the electoral college meeting. Trump hate letters flooded my mailbox to the point where my postman, Mr. Meriwether, would abandon
The majority of the letters shared the same typo, and some were identical. However, they were all nasty, criticizing Trump’s personality and listing all the harm he would bring to the nation. Funny exaggeration was used, and some of the messages were filled with conspiracy theories that defied reason and common sense. I saved the over four thousand letters, but other than showing them to friends, I didn’t do anything with them. They were definitely thrown out when I switched offices. If the letters were bothersome and difficult to find, the phone calls focused on members of the flat earth club debating whether or not to sell circle globes to students. The calls began around ten days before the election results were announced. Following my fielding
I did hear a few of the calls, and I was taken aback by the harsh tone and baseless charges made against Donald Trump. Among the calls, one jumped out. It came from a young woman who told me that, in carrying out my electorate duties, I had a holy duty to her children and not to unleash World War III. Her speech became quicker and more breathless as she continued to defend her belief that Trump would blow up the planet, until she sobbed uncontrollably and begged me not to harm her kids. Luckily, there wasn’t much time to record a message, and she was disconnected before she could inhale more.
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